Friday, May 31, 2019

The Night Of The Hunter: The Preacher Essay -- essays research papers

The Night of the Hunter The PreacherWhen describing the preacher, John says, His name is Harry Powell. Butthe names of his fingers are E and V and O and L and E and T and A and H andthat story he tells ab emerge one hand being Hate and the other hand being Love is alie because they are both hate and to watch them moving scares me worse thanshadows, worse than the wind.This description shows the absolute upshot of the preachers characterin Davis Grubbs The Night of the Hunter. The preachers real intentions arethe hate of the left hand, and he rationalizes his evil through the false facadeof the love of the right hand. correct though he may appear good and holy to somepeople, throughout the novel, he still has evil motives towards virtuallyeveryone.In one of the preachers dreams while he is in prison, he recalls anincident in which he rationalized an evil act by claiming it was Gods will.After being solicited by a prostitute in Charleston, West Virginia, with theintention of killi ng her because of her unholy vocation, he takes her up to aroom to murder her. Just as he is about to whip out the switchblade and fulfillhis holy mission, he suddenly hears Gods voice telling him not to botherbecause there were too many of them. At the moment when this divine revelation takesplace, the woman of the night sees the preacher in the midst of taking out theknife, and she screa...

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